Control the temperature of the bottle
Many mothers wonder how to control the temperature of the bottle they give to their babies. Will it be too hot? Or has it been a little cold? Normally we tend to see a very common gesture that cons...
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Last week we started the month of March and, from now on and for the next twelve months, we will tell you curiosities about those born in each month. So, here we go and we start with the month in w...
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All parents are faced with the question of when to move their babies from the crib to the bed . And although many of you may think that it is an easy task, sometimes it becomes a real challenge. Be...
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Follow Baby chosen best baby monitor of the year by 'Baby Blog'
As you know, our Follow Baby baby monitor continues to be successful as it has been named the best baby monitor of the year by the prestigious Baby Blog . This is a page that contains a lot of very...
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Spring allergy in babies. Prevent and relieve them
Spring has arrived and, in addition to enjoying wonderful weather, this period also brings numerous visits to doctors' offices and pharmacies by parents. The main objective is to mitigate spring al...
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We all like to know curiosities about the date or time we were born. So today we are going to leave you with a series of characteristics of babies born in May . Although none of us choose the mo...
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When we talk about pregnancies and summer we always think about tiredness or sweating, and going through a difficult time when carrying your little one. Without a doubt, we consider it as a handica...
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Sleep after childbirth. Tips and suggestions to get through this stage
Our baby is finally born. So many months of waiting and we already have it with us. It is time to leave the hospital and start a new life at home, all of us adapting together to this new situation ...
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The arrival of a new little brother
The arrival of a new sibling is a moment of great joy for the family, but one must know how to manage with the little ones in the house, since until now they have been the true princes or princesse...
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Babies and swimming. Benefits of this sport for a newborn
After the birth of a baby, many parents wonder what is the ideal time to introduce their little ones to the world of swimming. It is important that they know how to defend themselves in the aquati...
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We are already fully immersed in summer and many of you still have time ahead to enjoy the holidays. Furthermore, if we are now one of the family, a lot of organization is necessary to successfull...
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What should I eat while breastfeeding
This is a very common question when a mother is breastfeeding her baby. Your body needs the necessary nutrients for good development, and to do so you must follow a healthy and balanced diet that p...
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In addition to his mother, you are his playmate, especially during his first months. Every game you teach him and share with him will be a test of skill that will be worth learning. We propose act...
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Returning to work after maternity leave or vacation
Returning to work after becoming a mother or after spending the first vacation with your baby can bring with it a flood of emotions. There are people who are eager to resume the activity that makes...
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Baby's sleep during the first year of life
This is one of the topics that receives the most interest from new parents. A baby's sleep is essential during its development, and especially during its first year of life. We all know that bab...
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Availand donates baby monitors to combat COVID-19
The call was launched from different organizations and hospitals requesting the donation of baby monitors for the Sagunto Hospital and the Peset Hospital in Valencia, with which to better monitor ...
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Being a mother is one of the most incredible experiences a woman can live, but also one of the most terrifying. There will be many changes that you will face -physical and mental- before your first...
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The ideal baby monitor When you are a parent for the first time, from among those indescribable sensations, one sometimes emerges that is especially difficult to assimilate: fear and its inheren...
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The advantages of 360º rotation in the safety seat
The advantages of 360º rotation in the safety seat Your baby's world is spinning very fast! Our new seat, 'Availand Surëby' has multiple functions and advantages, among which we want to highlig...
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How to preserve food for our “little ones”
Breast milk is the most important food your baby can drink. Today we are going to give you some tricks for its conservation so that, in this way, the little ones can enjoy it without the need for t...
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