The advantages of 360º rotation in the safety seat
The advantages of 360º rotation in the safety seat
Your baby's world is spinning very fast!
Our new seat, 'Availand Surëby' has multiple functions and advantages, among which we want to highlight the complete 360 degree rotation. ¿Why is it so important? We are going to explain to you how to give your routine a twist to direct it towards advantages and comfort.
The total rotation allows maximum adaptability, both for placing the baby in the rear-facing direction (recommended in the age range of 15 months to 4 years ), and in the normal direction, when it grows more.
Furthermore, placing the child in the family vehicle will no longer be a real hassle, allowing us to move the little one to seat him, hold him and secure him with incomparable efficiency. All this always without harming the health of our back or neck. A new dimension in logistics and family comfort.
Try 'Availand Surëby' , make your world spin 360 degrees and you won't want to go back. They move to be happy while your world revolves around your baby!