Go from crib to bed
All parents are faced with the question of when to move their babies from the crib to the bed . And although many of you may think that it is an easy task, sometimes it becomes a real challenge. Below we will tell you what is the most effective way to face this moment in the little one's life.
What age is considered the most appropriate?
The perfect time to start the change from the crib to the bed comes around 2 years old. Obviously, each parent will act depending on their experience or the facilities they see on the baby's part. However, at the age of 2 years he has already grown enough to not be so comfortable in the crib, and especially to face dangerous moments in which he may try to get out of it.
The ideal, furthermore, is to coincide this moment with a calm or relaxed time in which no changes occur. For example, the arrival of a new sibling can confuse the baby and increase his jealousy because he believes that he is being moved from the place where he has always slept, precisely because of the arrival of the new member to the family.
Tips for going from crib to bed
If the baby has siblings, it is normal that when this moment arrives, it is not too difficult for them because they tend to imitate their elders and feel stimulated when it comes to adapting to this change without caring too much. But on the contrary, other babies are restless and reluctant to leave their crib, which is the place where they have always slept, and where they feel safe.
To help them overcome this new stage, we can put the following points into practice:
- It is important that before taking him out of the crib, he gets used to sleeping in what will be his room. Therefore, we can move the crib to another room (if you still had it in yours) so that it gets used to sleeping alone and later be able to transfer it to bed without any inconvenience.
- If he is used to sleeping with a doll, let him continue sleeping with it so that the change is not so sudden and he feels more secure.
- At first, and until he has gotten used to his bed, you should not let him sleep sporadically in places like the sofa or your bed. Otherwise, you may become disoriented and want to go back to the place where you fell asleep.
- It is a good idea to go slowly and start the change little by little, trying to get him to take naps in his new bed until he feels it is a place where he can also be safe and spend a whole night.
- Explain to him the reason why he should sleep in his bed. It may seem like they won't understand us, but children's psychology is surprising and sometimes they are able to understand simple explanations. An argument such as that he has grown older and must now sleep in a big bed like his parents may be enough for him to make the change naturally.
- An activity that may be important for him is to share the moment of choosing the bed or the sheets. If he gets involved and feels comfortable with them because of the drawings or colors, the whole process will be faster and easier since you will notice that he sleeps more peacefully.
- And above all, one of the most important things is the patience of the parents in such a new situation for the baby.
How to choose the bed?
This is a fundamental part of the entire process of changing from the crib to the bed. Your choice is very important, since both the bed and the mattress must adapt perfectly to the child's size. In addition, it is also advisable that, at least in the beginning, the bed has a railing on the side or sides that are not attached to the wall to prevent the little one from falling, since he will tend to stand up just as he did in the crib, with the consequent danger of it falling to the floor as there is no safety.
As we say, you have to think above all about the size of the child, and avoid making the bed too high so that it is difficult for him to get up. In addition, we can make the task easier for you if we choose a firm mattress so that you can rest on it better and can get up and down comfortably.