Returning to work after maternity leave or vacation
Returning to work after becoming a mother or after spending the first vacation with your baby can bring with it a flood of emotions. There are people who are eager to resume the activity that makes them feel something more than being full-time mothers, and there are also people who, once they leave their baby to return to work, do not stop crying for hours missing them.
All of these reactions are normal. Some women who have dedicated all their efforts to building a career suddenly realize that they do not want to go back to work. And on the contrary, for other mothers, the effort to return to their jobs as soon as possible can worry them and make them feel guilty.
Negative feelings
Guilt: Many times we find that when a woman faces the decision to return to work after maternity leave, in addition to separating from her baby, she must face the still belief that a good mother is one who takes care of herself at home. their children. And although each mother's experience is different, the feeling common to all of them is guilt. But working outside the home does not make you a worse mother, since there is no point in staying at home if it does not satisfy you. The baby will be fine when he sees you happy, and the family will also have more income that can be used for his well-being.
Loss of confidence: After several months at home exclusively caring for the baby, you may doubt your ability to adapt to the work environment. Try to return gradually by catching up and chatting with colleagues or coming to the office when the joining date is close. Also, so that the return is not so hard for you, organize baby care in advance to adjust your new daily routine and have time to dedicate to your work and your family.
Plan your return to work
- – Get rid of the feeling of guilt, weighing all the options and remembering that what you are doing is best for you and your family.
- – Find someone to leave the baby with. There are several solutions such as family, daycare, babysitter, etc. It will be the best to avoid later worries.
- – Talk to your boss about your schedules, duties, etc. It is time to ask about flexibility, the possibility of working from home if possible, or even working part-time.
- – Consider whether you want to continue with exclusive breastfeeding, since this way you will need greater work and family planning during this stage. The possibility of having a family member bring the baby to work so that you can breastfeed him or that you can leave work to do so at home or somewhere else will favor the maintenance of natural breastfeeding. In other cases, the only possibility of continuing with exclusive breastfeeding will depend on extracting milk during the work day, storing it, conserving it and using it during feedings in which you cannot go to breastfeed your child. Thus, during feedings in which you are not with him, the person who cares for him can provide him with the expressed milk if it has been properly preserved. If we talk about breast pump devices, we can tell you about the benefits that our Availand Nature Smart3 has with its innovative technology. Thanks to it, the mother improves her breastfeeding experience since it simulates the baby's sucking in a very real way.
- – If possible, organize your schedule so you can share the time he is awake with your baby. You can do this by advancing your start time at work and, therefore, your departure time.
- – You and your partner should take turns caring for the baby at night and if one of you works part-time, share the tasks proportionally.
- – Have an alternative plan in place in cases where your baby is sick and you cannot leave them with the person in charge of their care.
- – Find time for yourself and prepare a good bath when you put your child to bed. You can also distract yourself with a good movie or continuing your reading habits. And above all, always tell your son how much you wanted to see him when you got home since he will pick up on your emotions.
What is the best time to return?
The law establishes clear periods regarding returning to work after maternity leave. However, your feelings and your baby's needs will determine your return. Think about whether you are prepared for this, since you also have certain rights such as reduced hours or leave of absence.
A trick to make the first week shorter is to incorporate a day close to the weekend
In short, try to maintain a positive attitude about returning whether you think you will burst into tears or you think you will breathe a sigh of relief. The perfect solution does not exist and each mother will have to find balance in this new situation for everyone.