Pregnancies and summer
When we talk about pregnancies and summer we always think about tiredness or sweating, and going through a difficult time when carrying your little one. Without a doubt, we consider it as a handicap that can ruin the vacation period we have been waiting for so long. We find ourselves with difficulty breathing on some occasions, and with fatigue or dizziness that are a consequence of sudden changes in temperature. Let's not forget that we quickly go from stifling heat to another very different microclimate in which air conditioning intervenes.
Furthermore, during pregnancy the body temperature can be a degree or two higher than normal, and this, together with the heat of the months of July and August, can cause a very suffocating sensation. Therefore, it is advisable to take certain precautions to alleviate these effects and do not hesitate to place damp cloths with cool water on your neck or forehead, as this will help reduce your body temperature.
Below we will talk to you about a series of tricks that will be very useful to go through a summer pregnancy without any problems.
1. Drink plenty of water
It is essential to hydrate enough to compensate for the fluid we lose through sweat and maintain vitality. This loss is very high in summer and must be replaced by drinking water constantly. In addition, we have other alternatives that are very palatable such as fruit juices and isotonic drinks that have a great capacity for rehydration thanks to their high mineral content, as they promote water absorption.
2. Maintain an adequate diet
Pregnant women are likely to face more nausea or dizziness in summer, all of which contribute to greater reluctance when it comes to eating. Hormonal changes can greatly affect you and you have to closely monitor what you eat, especially avoiding heavy meals and consuming foods with a large amount of protein and no fat as much as possible. The explanation for this is given because the body is forced to work harder and for longer, generating much more heat. Therefore, it is advisable to choose foods with a high liquid content, as well as rich in fiber. Your best allies will be fresh vegetables and fruits, or grilled fish and meat. Likewise, we must control salt consumption, although without eliminating it completely since it is beneficial for the fetus.
3. Clothing
The most important thing to make pregnancy and summer compatible is to feel comfortable and cool, choosing natural fabrics such as linen or cotton through which your skin can breathe to avoid rubbing or stinging so common during pregnancy.
Choose light, neutral colors that reflect the light and heat of the sun and do not absorb it like dark colors do. Furthermore, although it is very obvious, we must remember that tight-fitting garments do not allow air to flow between your skin and the fabric, preventing proper perspiration.
And if we talk about footwear, try to look for something comfortable made with natural materials. If possible, use a size larger than yours, since at the end of the day you will be grateful for it, when you find your feet a little more swollen than normal.
4. Room temperature
You should try to stay indoors during the hottest hours to avoid direct sun. You can use fans or air conditioning, although at night it is advisable to sleep with the windows slightly open since during pregnancy your body will need more oxygen than usual and sometimes, in places where the air is saturated, it is more difficult to breathe well.
5. General recommendations
- Try to use the swimming pools, which, in addition to being very refreshing, will help you perform beneficial exercises to relax or reduce the compression of certain nerves during pregnancy.
- Try to always carry a bottle or a small thermos with fresh water to drink or get a little wet in times of need.
- Learn to breathe correctly, since with this we achieve better cooling of the body.
- Avoid intense hours of sunlight and always use high-factor sunscreen, since pregnant women tend to burn and are prone to the appearance of unwanted spots. In addition, you should keep in mind that when you are exposed to the sun, you should always have shade nearby to shelter you in case of overheating.
- Plan times to go for walks or do other activities during cooler times of the day like morning or evening.